Minggu, 18 April 2010

tugas blog bahasa inggris coordinate conjunction

nama : gishella eky andreina
npm : 16209884
kelas 1ea01
fak./jurusan : ekonomi./manajemen s1
Universitas Gunadarma 2010.

sumber Data :

1.) http://www.bergen.edu/documents/academics/elrc/handouts/excombsencconj.htm 2.)http://rumahbisnis.wordpress.com/2008/03/09/definisi-pemasaran-marketing-definition/
3.) http://newton.uor.edu/facultyfolder/rider/conjunctions.htm


1. coordinate conjunction in compound sentences! (jelaskan)
2. a) sentences, step in decision ! (buat min. 10 kalimat)
b) writing : marketing


1.) Coordinating conjunctions join May single words, or they want May join Groups of words, but they want must always join similar elements: eg subject + subject, verb phrase + verb phrase, sentence + sentence. The seven coordinating conjunctions in English are: The seven coordinating conjunctions in Bahasa Indonesia are:

FOR - is to introduce the reason for the preceding clause FOR - is to Introduce the reason for the preceding clause

AND - joins two similar ideas together AND - joins two similar ideas together

NOR - The conjunction nor is not extinct, but it is not used nearly as often as the other conjunctions. NOR - The conjunction donor is not extinct, but it is not nearly as often Used as the other conjunctions. Its most common use is as the little brother in the correlative pair, neither-nor Its most common use is as the little brother in the correlative pair, Neither-normal

BUT - joins two contrasting ideas together BUT - joins together two contrasting ideas

OR - joins two alternative ideas OR - joins two alternative ideas

YET - is very similar to 'but' as it also joins two contrasting ideas together Yet - is very similar to 'but' Also as it joins together two contrasting ideas

SO - shows that the second idea is the result of the first SO - That shows the second idea is the result of the first

An easy way to remember these six conjunctions is to think of the word FANBOYS. An easy way to remember These six conjunctions is to think of the word FANBOYS. Each of the letters in this somewhat unlikely word is the first letter of one of the coordinating conjunctions. Each of the letters in this word Somewhat Unlikely is the first letter of one of the coordinating conjunctions.

Among the coordinating conjunctions, the most common, of course, are AND, BUT and OR. Among the coordinating conjunctions, the most common, of course, are AND, BUT and OR.


a).* mary loves broccoli, but her husband, John, hates it.
* Keiko has a calculus test on Friday, so she needs to study.
* Maria is typing a letter to her friend, and her brother, Paul, is reading the newspaper.
* tom woke up late, but he made it to school on time.
* I am bringing a tuna casserole to the party, and Mike is bringing potato salad.
* Jim had to work on Saturday, so he couldn’t go to the park.
* The water is very cold in January, but the members of the Polar Bear Club go swimming anyway.
* The air conditioning has been turned up really high, so I’m very cold.
* The water was very rough, so the lifeguards made all of the swimmers leave the water.
* Mike jogs two miles every morning, and then he gets ready for work.
* Most of the models shown in contemporary women’s magazines are extremely thin, but we can’t blame the media for the increase in eating disorders.
* Before you hand in a final draft of your essay, you should print out a draft and edit from hard copy rather than on the computer screen.
* Michael Jordan retired from basketball, but he continues to do a lot of charity work.
It’s amazing how many accidents are caused by people driving while using cell phones, yet we do not pass legislation restricting their use.
* Credit cards can be wonderful in emergencies, but they can be dangerous for people who buy things on impulse.

B. )
The core definition of marketing or marketing is SATISFACTORY NEED & DESIRE (human) through the exchange process.This means that marketing can be considered as a highest level in satisfying human needs and desires of the most essential.

Marketing is a process in satisfying human needs and desires. Thus, all activities in relation to the satisfaction of human needs and desires are part of the marketing concept. Marketing begins with the fulfillment of human needs which then grow into human desire. For example, a human being needs water to meet the needs of her thirst. If there is a thirst for a glass of water then the need will be m. But man does not just want to meet her needs but also wants to fulfill her desire is for example a glass of water that Aqua Net brands and portability. So this man chose Aqua bottles that suit their needs in accordance with the thirst and desire that is also easy to carry. Process in fulfilling the needs and desires of human beings which is the marketing concept. (product), (price), (place), (promotion). Starting from the fulfillment of the product (product), pricing (price), freight (place), and promoting goods (promotion). Someone who works in marketing called marketers. These marketers should have knowledge in marketing concepts and principles so that marketing activities can be matched with the needs and desires of humans, especially the consumers who, marketing is an artistic process that seeks to make people happy (customer satisfaction).So the main purpose is not the sale itself (sales oriented) but rather the fulfillment of the most fundamental human NEEDS. With this understanding, people who are apathetic or cynical by Marketing will understand that the purpose of marketing is very noble.But why in Indonesia, marketing is considered low?. others are not because of some unscrupulous behavior that does not understand the importance of marketing itself. So, if we are a husband and then also our task as a marketer is to satisfy the wife, if we as employees in charge of satisfying the boss and coworkers that's really beautiful